How to keep your access equipment and your team safe.

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How to keep your access equipment and your team safe.

We receive many enquiries asking about the safe use of MEWP’s and what tests are necessary to keep access equipment running.

At CPL we want to make sure you are up to date with the safe use of platforms and know what to look for when you carry out your checks.

Our main advice is make sure you are using a professional outfit to carry out loler inspections on your platforms. There are a lot of companies that will advertise loler’s but how sure are you that they are qualified and know what to look for? Make enquiries and find out who other  MEWP users are trysting to keep their equipment safe. CPL have an in house After sales and maintenance team who are trained to look after all makes and models of access equipment. We will also recommend others that we know are doing a good job. The Ipaf website is very useful for tips and advice regarding maintenance and set up.

The next important part of good platform care is daily checks. These can vary depending on your make and model but, you should have a user manual with the basic checks outlined. It is crucial that the manual stays with the equipment and these checks are carried out. One of the checks is to ensure the loler is up to date and is with the MEWP.

If you do not keep up with the basic maintenance, you are likely to run into problems including serious safety issues. Like any machine, it is important to maintain it but when it comes to access equipment, it is extremely important for your safety. If you do not have access to the daily check sheet, contact us and we will source the correct information for your kit.

To Make things a little easier, we have created user videos to ensure you are setting up and using your CPL pick up or van in the safest and most effective way. Each machine is fitted with a QR code label in the basket and on the dash. Most smart phones will recognise this and send you straight to the videos. This is becoming a common way to get information to the operator quickly. Take a look at the video for the P130 and the Van mount range.

If you would like any advise on your equipment or what to buy, contact us. We will help ensure you are using the correct kit for your work at height and we can guide you on the safest way to use it.





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